Homily for Fr Tom McGivern SJ by Joe Hayes SJ

Fr Tom McGivern SJ Zambia
When I think of you Tom the image that comes to my mind is that of the reluctant hero, reluctant because you are the last to realize that in so many of our eyes you are a hero. You spent your life as part of critical movements you did not initiate but which you did your best to move forward. You are a very private man about your inner dreams but I suspect that privacy didn’t come from shyness alone but from a sense that the second reading is trying to communicate. “We are earthenware vessels, doing the best we can, but always appreciating we are part of a deeper movement, the movement of our transcendent God.”

I found Tom in the midst of what I call the Chikuni/Canisius movement, the movement to educate potential male and female leaders to be ready to play key roles in the emerging Zambian State. Young Tom helped pupils deepen their appreciation of nature through his Geography classes. He helped improve their communication skills through his English teaching. He modelled the virtues needed as the young Zambia took more control of its copper resources. This is also the period where one saw Tom leading his troop of cadets as he inspired the youth to value a career in the uniformed services.

Tom then switched to participate into the movement to educate and encourage young men to become priests so that the emerging Christian communities would be served by their own people.

From there Tom was invited to help oversee the teaching of religious education in schools and from there to oversee the overall participation of the Christian Churches in their partnership with government in providing formal education for Zambian Children.

While here, Tom was drawn into another movement, the movement by Zambian women to claim their dignity and move towards a partnership with men that respected the unique qualities of each gender. Key players in this movement were the young members of women’s religious orders.There Tom made many special friends and it was so nice to hear that one of those special friends was with him as the time clock ran out. Thank you Mable.

For the past few years Tom has been more consciously invited into the most important movement within which all the other movements get their meaning. To the eyes of mere experience we have seen the cruel assault, the movement into dementia, the loneliness of leaving behind his work and friends, the dying away from the place where he would have loved to have died. To the eyes of faith that invitation is one into the paschal mystery of Christ as the Gospel reading hints. “God working to make all people appreciate they are his friends, doing it Christ’s way. Not focusing on our sins, our failure to live up to our potential but inviting us to be his ambassadors of reconciliation so that all will know they are God’s friends.”

I would imagine there were times that Tom, with Christ asked the question of God “My God, why have you forsaken me.” But we sense too that many times he prayed with Christ “Father into your hands I commend my Spirit.” Tom gave us glimpses that he was singing that deeper song when, amid the darkness, we experienced his smile, that smile that said a special thank you to those who visited, to those who cared for him in Cherryfield. A special thank you to his family and to those in the mission office.

Tom, you have walked the walk. Thank you for being a mentor, an inspiration, a friend. The walk continues and just as the Lord has given you that peace, peace beyond all understanding, at times throughout your life, we trust he will give it to you now in even deeper measure.

Author: Fr Joe Hayes SJ, 18th January 2017