Author: Joe Munnelly

Refugee women hold baby outside their tent in refugee camp in Renk, South Sudan

Shared Refugee Stories: Escaping Militia

Rebecca (30) and Martha (65) like, so many others, fled Sudan when civil war broke out spreading from the capital. Both women are South Sudanese and fled south to...

Stories of courage & resilience for World Refugee Week

War still rages on in Sudan forcing thousands to flee to neighbouring countries of Chad, Ethiopia and South Sudan. In only one year, the ongoing conflict has forcibly displaced...

World Environment Day 2024

This year’s theme for World Environment Day is focused on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” With its emphasis...
school girl gazes to camera. she stands outside in her uniform with her classmates.

Menstrual Hygiene Day 2024

Millions of women and girls around the world are prevented from reaching their full potential. Just because they menstruate. The 28th of May is a day to unite in...
hygiene and water point constructed

Water Tub & Hygiene: Mindagulos school, Philippines

Last year, you helped us raise a water appeal fund focused on providing lifesaving water resources for water tanks for schools and education centres, village boreholes and critical water...
women receives food aid. the box has IJI and MASIR logos on it.

International Day of Families 2024

Today marks International Family Day, a day to promote awareness of issues relating to families and to increase the knowledge of the socio-cultural and economic issues affecting families. Families...
Palestine solidarity march in Dublin on 20th April 2024. A sigh reads 'solidarity not silence' around an image of two shaking hands. one sleeve is the Irish flag, the other sleeve is the Palestine flag.

Peace & Justice: Europe has lost its way.

April 24th marks International Day of Multilateralism & Diplomacy for Peace which was founded after the devastation of the Second World War in 1945 with one central mission: the...

Girls For Girls: Creativity and Girls’ Empowerment.

At IJI we believe everyone should be supported to reach their full potential and have the opportunity to grow. Education is the vital steppingstones to a brighter future but...
Shane Burke stands in refugee camp, an injured man is being carried into a medical tent.

Sudan Crisis: One Year On

In only one year, the ongoing conflict in Sudan has forcibly displaced nearly 9 million people, making it the most severe displacement crisis globally. Among them, close to 7...
Photo overlooking center of Kangemi slum in Nairobi, Kenya.

World Health Day 2024: My Health, My Right

The theme of this year’s World Health Day is ‘my health, my right’ chosen by the UN World Health organisation (WHO) to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to...
photo of Palestine solidarity march. a sign reads: 'our voices will never be silenced'

Gaza: We Cannot Be Silent!

Since October, all of us have seen the horrors of war and violence which continues to tear families apart, ruin childhoods and cause the deaths of thousands of civilians,...
pumpkin crops and agroforestry in Kasungu, Malawi.

More than just a bicycle

Men and women like Phalles Ng’oma are among the trailblazers who are passing down knowledge on climate smart agriculture practices to their local and neighbouring communities. We have partnered...