Tag: Sustainable and resilient communities

women farmers tend to their plant nursey in Cueicok, South Sudan

Disaster Risk Reduction Day 2024

This year’s theme is focused on the role of education in ‘protecting and empowering youth for a disaster-free future’ (UN). Thanks to your support we are empowering marginalised communities...
children working farm with organic manure

The future is in soil!

When we think of climate action often we focus on the skies and the greenhouse affect causing rising temperatures and sea levels but it is important to look down...

World Environment Day 2024

This year’s theme for World Environment Day is focused on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.” With its emphasis...
hygiene and water point constructed

Water Tub & Hygiene: Mindagulos school, Philippines

Last year, you helped us raise a water appeal fund focused on providing lifesaving water resources for water tanks for schools and education centres, village boreholes and critical water...
activists demonstrate against fossil fuel at COP28 in Dubai

Cautious hope, faith, and integrity beyond the fossil fuel COP28

For World Earth Day – we spotlight Pedro Walpole SJ, the research director from the Institute of Environmental Science for Social Change (ESSC), a research institute in Quezon City,...
Happy, an eco-lead farmer waters his crops

World Wildlife Day 2024

The UN World Wildlife Day is an international holiday which recognizes the importance of the natural environment and the vital role animals and plant life play in keeping Mother...

Bike for Lent

This Lent, you can support teachers who must travel long distances by foot to teach in classrooms ranging from schools, grass huts or simply in the shade of trees....

“My craft means the world to me”

Meet Pascazie Uwimana a refugee mother of three girls and five grandchildren from Rwanda who has lived in Nairobi, Kenya since 1997. I am a tailor who specializes in...
Caravan of hope members holding hands in circle outside

World Earth Day 2023

This year, the theme for World Earth Day is focused on ‘Mother Earth’ who for decades now has been calling out for our help and action to protect her...
women water crops in a field. they wear brightly coloured dresses.

International Women’s Day 2023

International Women’s Day, a day where we reflect on the actions and roles of the various women in our lives. On this day we stand in solidarity with all...

Syrians struggle against the bitter cold

“Where did Fadi go?”, was my question, as I turned around to discover that Fadi who was my guide in a extremely poor neighbourhood of Damascus was no longer...
volunteer sam in field of fruit trees listening to farmers

Working to protect our creation, Earth: Work Placement with JCED

Our collective responsibility to care for our home is becoming increasingly relevant. Yet, the impacts of climate change appear somewhat distant to us in Europe. In Malawi the issue...