South Sudan

JRS South Sudan is in Juba, Maban, and Yambio. Its work includes education programmes and psychosocial support for refugees and the host community. In recent years JRS has also responded to emergencies caused by flooding, and Covid-19 in the country. It is supported by the Xavier Network.

JRS Education Programme in Maban

Maban is close to the border with Sudan and is the location of four large refugee camps which host people from the Blue Nile region of Sudan and other countries such as Ethiopia and Somalia. The education programmes run by JRS South Sudan include schooling for children, adult education classes in English and a teacher training programme. As South Sudan is the world’s youngest country and has only recently emerged from a prolonged civil war, both the refugee and host communities are vulnerable. Young people are in need of access to education to give them the tools to get out of poverty. For young girls, education helps them to escape child marriage.
