
Special food for special kids in Kakuma

Children with cerebral palsy living in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya, have chewing and swallowing difficulties and need special nutritional support. It was found that most children who are suffering...
Clive Dillon-Mallone

Clive Dillon Malone SJ looks back over his life

Last in our series for the Mission Month of October “Irish Men behind the Missions”, Fr. Clive Dillon Malone SJ looks back over 76 years of his life which...

Irish Men behind the Missions – Fr. Eddie Murphy SJ.

“That they may have life” is the theme for World Mission Sunday on 19th October in Ireland this year. Over the centuries, inspired by the founders of the Society...

Irish Men behind the Missions

  “That they may have life” is the theme for World Mission Sunday on 19th October in Ireland this year. Over the centuries, inspired by the founders of the Society...

Thanksgiving Mass in Armagh

  A small and friendly group met for the third Thanksgiving Mass in Dromantine on Saturday 20 September. The beautiful weather added to this lovely occasion. Fr John Guiney...

A Big Yellow JCB Sets Out for South Sudan

Fr Richard O’Dwyer SJ looks forward to the arrival of a big, yellow JCB that will travel by sea and road from Dublin to Rumbek! Before he left Ireland...
Martin Curry SJ 600x340

Meet Murt Curry SJ Man of Many Talents

Continuing our series of missionaries’ stories for the Mission Month of October ““Irish Men behind the Missions”, Fr Murt Curry SJ shares some of his present activities and past...
d-dinka women

Sisters are doin’ it for themselves in South Sudan

Groups of women in South Sudan are taking matters into their own hands. Tired of waiting for political leaders to agree a peace agreement and the international community to send...

Leaps and Bounds for Loyola Secondary School

Malawi is a rich country in resources but poor in living conditions for the majority of the people. The educational system is very inadequate for the population of 15...

Update on Maban programmes in South Sudan

We are immensely grateful for the €438,132 that the South Sudan appeal has raised to date for the refugee programmes in Maban, North East of South Sudan.
i-south sudan

South Sudan is three years old this week

South Sudan marks its third anniversary of independence but the youngest country in the world is on the brink of catastrophe and mass starvation

Life is beginning to return to normal in the Philippines

From the construction of multi-purpose halls with classrooms and chapels, to ““Roofs for Relief”, solar panels, fishing boats and mobile banking, Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan (SLB – the Jesuit...