Tag: JRS Eastern Africa

Shane Burke stands in refugee camp, an injured man is being carried into a medical tent.

Sudan Crisis: One Year On

In only one year, the ongoing conflict in Sudan has forcibly displaced nearly 9 million people, making it the most severe displacement crisis globally. Among them, close to 7...

“My craft means the world to me”

Meet Pascazie Uwimana a refugee mother of three girls and five grandchildren from Rwanda who has lived in Nairobi, Kenya since 1997. I am a tailor who specializes in...

Wycliff’s Journey and the Mikono Refugee Craft Shop

Wycliff’s family fled Rwanda in 1995, when he was only four years old. With his parents, three sisters and brother, he ran through the woods of Akagera National Park...

Spirit of Success in South Sudan

Sarah Phillip attends the JRS Adult Literacy Programme in Maban, South Sudan Sarah and Rahab are inspirational young women who are striving to complete their education in the hostile...

World Refugee Day, June 20th 2017

The desire to learn in both refugee and local communities in Maban, South Sudan is strong. JRS trains teachers to help improve their skills in the classroom.(Angela Wells/Jesuit Refugee...

Door to door on a Buffalo!

Michael O. Oyoo/JRS Given the political crisis and famine in South Sudan, Kakuma Refugee Camp continues to receive a massive influx of refugees from that country. The Irish Jesuit...

Acquiring new skills at Kakuma Camp

The JRS Safe Haven house dozens of children in need of protection and guidance in Kakuma refugee camp. (Angela Wells/JRS) The sprawling refugee camp of Kakuma in Kenya is...

Beauty and brutality: the confounding contradictions of South Sudan

  Darkness falls early in South Sudan. When the unspeakably bright sun sleeps, there isn’t much to illuminate the hot air. Just fireflies, the headlights of occasional military trucks,...

World Peace Day 21st September

In South Sudan’s Upper Nile state, a student is more likely to find soldiers occupying their school than teachers preparing lessons. Sixty-three percent of schools are occupied by armed...